Let's work on what you deem important

Let's work on what you deem important
From OKRs to Triple Os

Last week I nudged you to take your time to craft your OKRs, so you could make the most of this acronym. Also, I promised you a way to hack dogma. In other words, I promised you wouldn't need to read the "manual" in order to achieve the most important thing you, your team, and your organization seek.

Here's the hack, and it's all about getting crystal clear on what you really need.

From OKRs to Triple Os

Triple Os: Objectives, Outcomes, and Outputs

Benefits: reduce complexity, confusion, and make achievement simple for everyone.


  1. Leave the Objective, (O), as it is. The objective is what you want to achieve, expressed in a short, ambitious and memorable phrase.
  2. Replace Key Results (KRs) with a 2nd "O" that stands for Outcomes. The Key Results are the observable and remarkable outcomes that allow you to know if you've achieved what you proposed. A great KR has nothing to do with Outputs. Let's talk about this in step #3.
  3. Introduce a 3rd "O" that stands for Outputs. The last piece of the puzzle is creating a third category. Place in it all the things you want to implement, as in, those actions, initiatives, hypothesis, or [put your favorite noun here] that will help you achieve what was established.

Follow these 3 steps for a seamless way to express what's important and work towards a remarkable future state.

Subscriber's exclusive perk: If you want some help on this regard, feel free to hit reply. Tell me about your particular OKR context, and I'll give you some advice.

Have a great day!
