Protect your Chocolate Tasks!

There are things I can't delegate to AI. For example: "here, eat my chocolate!" Oh no, that's a hard no. Not because this is impossible, but because I do like chocolate! Eating it brings me joy and helps my brain.
If you think about it, there are tasks similar to chocolate. In my case, writing this post is one of those. If I hand this off to an AI assistant, I will be completing the task but missing the nuance...
And in the nuance, there's power too. In some cases, most of the rewards reside there, not in check-listing things faster!
If you want to be good at something, be wary of giving up the job of uncovering the hidden logic to a machine. True, you may be way more inefficient. But bit by bit, the knack will grow on you. In time, you will outperform the AI because there's no need to prompt in search for something when the answer is within you.
Protect your Chocolate Tasks!