What Andy Brown Recommends You to Read

"Connect, Multipliers, Productivity Ninja, and Who Moved My Cheese..."
Andy Brown is an award-winning advisor. He provides coaching to leaders in people-based businesses, enabling them to make better decisions more quickly.
I asked Andy for 4 books he can specifically recommend to you, dear reader and awesome leader.
"4 books? Happy to help."
So, having Leadsticks readers in mind—being senior leaders, consultants, coaches, and mentors—, this is what he shared:
Connect by Carole Robin. The best book on relationship building.
Multipliers by Liz Wiseman. My favourite leadership book.
Productivity Ninja by Graham Allcott. Because everyone could be more productive.
Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson. A book about how to deal with change.
I've wrote those down for you on a reading log (see below).
But there's a fifth book I just bought—I'm waiting its arrival to start reading it 🤓– that I thought needs to be on this list as well.
I'm talking about Andy's Emotional Overdraft.
This is a book about how to balance business success and your wellbeing.
This is also the reason why I approached Andy in the first place. I wanted to know more about his work, pick his brain, and share the result with you.
Enjoy your reading!